Is reading bad for your eyes?

Is reading bad for your eyes?

Reading in dim light doesn’t harm your eyes, instead, it can cause strain. For centuries media and cultures depicted readers as wearing cheap glasses with the thickest lenses possible.

So, does reading actually put you in glasses? Is it really harmful? People believe that extensive reading will harm their eyes. It is one of the widely held myths.

According to research, the majority of Ukrainians don’t read books due to their lack of interest (80%). However, 9% claimed that they have vision problems. Do you also claim about it and are confused about whether reading will further damage your eyes?

Is reading bad for your eyes? Not at all, it can cause eye strain, but don’t hurt your eyes. Reading more would not wear out your eyes.

According to the researchers

Yes, reading can affect your eye strain but can’t permanently hurt your eyes. Research shows that reading from the screen stains eyes and causes dry eye because you will blink lesser.

The same happens when you read without your prescribed glasses, as your eyes will find it difficult to adapt to anything that needs intense focus can cause the risk of eye strain like reading and screen work. Eye strain Is not permanent, it just causes irritation and uncomfortableness. It may also lead to headaches, red eyes, and tiredness. There are quite easy ways to minimize eye strain while intense reading.

Tips to Prevent Eyestrain While Reading

  • Lightening: While you read set up the light behind you in a way that lights up the book you hold. There is some kind of particular reading light that helps in minimizing eye strain while reading.
  • 20/20/20 Rule: Taking breaks while reading relaxes your eyes. For this purpose, the 20/20/20 rule is useful. Whether you are reading print or e-reader you must take frequent breaks to relax your eyes. According to the 20/200/20 rule, every 20 minutes you read, take a 20-second break and look at the object that will be 20 feet away. This rule allows the eye to take sufficient breaks and avoid eye strain.
  • Proper Distance: One major problem causing eye hurting is reading texts that are too close to your eyes. You can focus on farther texts than nearer. Reading from the screen requires more effort from the eyes to better focus on the words. The light emitting from the screen makes it difficult for the eyes to focus on tiny pixels. However, the technology has solved this problem also. Many reading devices are specially designed to minimize eye strain. These devices have special features like increased font size, no blue light, and more.
  • Not Blinking while Reading: The biggest reason for developing eyesight problems is that while reading most people rarely blink their eyes. If you stare and gaze at the text occasionally, it can harm your eyes because you refuse to give rest and muscle movement to the eyes. It is like the digital vision. Not blinking while using digital devices causes eye fatigue, irritated eyes, and retinal damage, which leads to poor quality of sleep, and low concentration. However, taking breaks, minimizing screen brightness, and keeping your eyes moist (you may use artificial tears) are some preventions against eye strain. Using computer glasses and blue-light filters also works great.
  • If you are recommended to wear glasses while reading, then you must wear them quite often. This will prevent your eyes from extra effort. You may also read books with increased text size to ease your eyes. Reading while wearing glasses will not make you dependent on it.
  • If you are an e-reader using Kindle or Nook, which has a display then other screens, called E Ink. This kind of display has a reduced tendency to cause eye strain and eye sore then to other digital screens.
  • The optimal reading angle is 60 degrees. for wearers of bi-focal, the degree will be slightly lower. Your eyes must look upward if you read lying down. Also, don’t read for extensive time while laying, it can cause asthenopia. A survey shows that 43.4% of vision problems are due to improper reading and writing posture.
  • Do some eye muscle flexibility exercises. It will also help against eye strain. These exercises include making a figure-eight by moving your eyes, moving your eyes up and down and side to side, and massaging the eye muscles around your eyes.

According to a survey conducted in 2018-2019, 78% of the participants who have good reading habits in primary, middle, and high school have more healthy eye care habits like looking to green plants, doing eye exercises regularly, and taking eye tests.

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